
Coming down from a hell workday by trying to get my ears around the new LP from LSD-March. Appropriately acid-surged jams and cosmic Japanese power-ballads. Plus, hands down the only record I own pressed in a "small vinyl edition in a hand-screened cover with quail."
Finally sat down and had a good listen to the new Major Stars LP "4" as well. Picked it up at the WFMU record fair last fall, but it got stuffed in a pile during the move and I only recently dug it out. Wayne Rogers works the wah-wah pedal like he's trying to crush each piece of the thing to dust. Massive drumming, monster riffs, all cloaked in this analog fog. For all the psych-rock babble these days (a good amount of it coming from yrs truly) it's a damn shame these folks aren't getting more attention. People should bow as they walk down the street. Check out their record shop in Beantown.
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